NEWS ROUND UP: Speaker Ryan’s Office Kicks Hispanic Members of Congress Out of a Meeting with ICE Officials
“Just as President Trump is setting a mass deportation force to kick law-abiding hardworking immigrants out of the ...
With the Republican Civil War between Trump and Ryan, How will House Republicans Move Forward on Puerto Rico?
Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump is not sold on Paul Ryan’s Puerto Rico bill, and as the feud between Ryan ...
Paul Ryan’s Inconsistency on Immigration Should Worry All of Us
On the same week the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on President Obama’s immigration actions -- which ...
TBT: With SCOTUS Poised to Hear DACA/DAPA Case, Ryan & #HouseOfTrump to Blame
House Republicans have repeatedly failed to act on comprehensive immigration reform, leading President Obama to take ...
QUE NO SE TE PASE: Ben Ray Luján: Donald Trump llegó a la Cámara de Representantes
“...hoy los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes harán todo lo posible para exceder a Trump y su retórica ...
Trump is in the House/ Trump llegó a la Cámara de Representantes
Just days after Donald Trump dominated another round of Republican primary contests, today House Republicans led by ...