Paul Ryan’s Inconsistency on Immigration Should Worry All of Us

By: Javier Gamboa


On the same week the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on President Obama’s immigration actions —  which Speaker Paul Ryan immediately rejected—   Ryan said yesterday during a private meeting that the time for immigration reform “will have to come and acknowledged the need  to “begin fixing” our broken immigration system. This is coming from the same Paul Ryan that made a backroom deal with the House Freedom Caucus to not bring a comprehensive immigration reform bill to the House floor. This move is nothing new; Paul Ryan tries to portray himself as tough on immigration in public, but when Donald Trumps of the world aren’t paying attention, he shamelessly changes his position.

Immigration isn’t the only issue Paul Ryan is struggling with as Speaker of the House. He has failed to pass a budget (or even have the necessary votes), find a solution to the Puerto Rico financial crisis and address public health crisis like the Zika virus, opioid addiction and Flint Water Crisis. Ryan just can’t work with anyone in his House to address the pressing issues affecting hardworking American families.

We’re not holding our breath that these “fixes” to our broken immigration system will come anytime soon, especially with Trump on the path to becoming the Republican nominee. Unfortunately,  the only ones losing here are everyday Americans just trying to get ahead.