Paul Ryan
Seven Years Of Paul Ryan’s Broken Healthcare Promises End in Humiliation
Last Friday, Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the Republican Repeal bill off the floor just before it was scheduled ...
Say Less, Mr. Speaker.
In a moment that most would revisit with regret, Speaker Paul Ryan went on the Today Show on Tuesday to ...
House Republicans Have No Plan on ACA, Await Trump’s Marching Orders
A day ahead of President Trump’s joint address to Congress, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch ...
Trump Wants Debunked Voter Fraud Conspiracies Investigated, And Paul Ryan Thinks That’s Just Fine
Despite squeaking by to win the election, President Donald Trump is having a lot of trouble coping with the fact that ...
Gutless: Why “Policy Guy” Paul Ryan Skimps On The Details That Matter
Speaker Paul Ryan, a very "weak and ineffective leader," recently joined Jake Tapper on State of the Union to ...
With the Republican Civil War between Trump and Ryan, How will House Republicans Move Forward on Puerto Rico?
Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump is not sold on Paul Ryan’s Puerto Rico bill, and as the feud between Ryan ...