Speaker Ryan Claims Concern About Country’s Future — Still Would Support Trump
By: Meredith Kelly
This morning, Speaker Ryan is expected to appear in Kenosha with Wisconsin Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke. Steineke has forcefully denounced GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, citing his fear for the “future of the country.” Will today be the day Speaker Ryan finally publicly admits the devastating down-ballot impact of a Trump nomination?? Oh, to be a fly on the wall . . .
Ryan: “I Find Myself Having A Lot Of Conversations About The Future Of Our Party, And More Importantly, The Future Of Our Country.” [Speaker Ryan, 3/10/16]
Steineke, On Concerns Over Trump: “People Mistake This As Fear Of The Future Of The Party. It’s More Fear Of The Future Of The Country.” “Some of Trump’s most outspoken GOP critics hail from northeastern Wisconsin, including Steineke and Congressman Reid Ribble, R-Sherwood. ‘I think people mistake this as fear of the future of the party,” Steineke told USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin, citing Trump’s plans to upend libel laws, Trump’s comments in a CNN interview on the Ku Klux Klan and use of eminent domain in business dealings. “It’s more fear of the future of the country.’” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 3/2/16]