Paul Ryan Finally Watches Braveheart All the Way to the End
By: Meredith Kelly
Last week, it was hard to understand why Paul Ryan left town for recess with significant amounts of legislative work undone, particularly when it comes to addressing several public health and financial crises. But ahead of the Indiana primary tonight, it’s now clear that Ryan needed time to figure out just how his story ends. In other words, Paul Ryan must be at home in Wisconsin today, watching the end of Braveheart.
Braveheart is Paul Ryan’s movie metaphor of choice when vaguely discussing Donald Trump and the negative, divisive impact he’s had on all Republicans. On more than one occasion, Paul Ryan has stood before his colleagues and done his level best William Wallace impersonation, imploring Republicans in vain to “unite the clans.”
And every time, we’ve wondered if the Speaker had ever actually watched that movie, you know, all the way to the end…
With Trump set to win in Indiana and effectively seal his path to the GOP presidential nomination, Paul Ryan knows that he has put this off long enough, and is sitting on his couch to watch the film come to its grisly conclusion.
“Understandably, Paul Ryan has avoided watching the end of Braveheart for as long as possible, but today is the day. As Donald Trump is widely expected to win the Indiana Primary and seal his path to the Republican presidential nomination, it’s clear that Ryan and the establishment have utterly failed to ‘unite the clans.’ Instead, House Republicans will soon be stuck with Donald Trump at the top of their ticket, the single most divisive character in American politics,” said Meredith Kelly of the DCCC.