Women’s Health: Ryan Likens Court Decision on Abortion to Infamous Dred Scott Decision

By: Meredith Kelly

Beyond his stewardship of a House Republican caucus that takes every possible opportunity to vote to defund and block access to women’s health services, Paul Ryan personally has staked out several far right positions on women’s health issues. Ryan joined none other than Todd “legitimate rape” Akin in sponsoring a measure that would redefine rape, thus restricting women’s access to reproductive health services. Ryan went so far as to bizarrely compare the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on Roe v. Wade and a woman’s constitutional right to privacy to its decision in Dred Scott.  


New York Times Editorial: Ryan Co-Sponsored Bill With Rep. Todd Akin “That Would Have Narrowed The Definition Of Rape To Reduce The Number Of Poor Women Who Can Get An Abortion Through Medicaid.” “Mr. Ryan also co-sponsored, along with Representative Todd Akin of Missouri, a bill that would have narrowed the definition of rape to reduce the number of poor women who can get an abortion through Medicaid.  Besides that, he has co-sponsored more than three dozen anti-abortion bills, including measures that would require women to get an ultrasound first, bar abortions after 20 weeks in the District of Columbia and end federal spending for family planning programs. Though he urged Mr. Akin to end his Senate race last week over an offensive remark about ‘legitimate rape,’ Mr. Ryan has actually co-sponsored more of these measures than Mr. Akin.  ‘I’m as pro-life as a person gets,’ he said in 2010.” [Editorial, New York Times, 8/27/12]

Washington Post: Changing The Definition Of Rape “Could Distinguish It From Other Kinds Of Sexual Assault That Are Typically Recognized As Rape, Including Statutory Rape And Attacks That Occurred Because Of Drugs Or Verbal Threats.” “The most well-known provision that would become permanent under the bill is the Hyde Amendment, which prevents some federally funded health-care programs from covering abortions. For years, it has allowed exemptions in cases of rape and incest, and when the life of the woman is threatened. Under the proposed language, however, rape becomes ‘forcible rape.’ Critics say the modifier could distinguish it from other kinds of sexual assault that are typically recognized as rape, including statutory rape and attacks that occur because of drugs or verbal threats.” [Washington Post, 2/01/11]

Associated Press: In A 2010 Essay “Ryan Compared The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling That Legalized Abortion To The Infamous 1857 Dred Scott Decision, In Which The Court Ruled That Black Slaves Were Not Legally People.” “In a 2010 essay for a conservative think tank, Ryan compared the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion to the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision, in which the court ruled that black slaves were not legally people. ‘After America has won the last century’s hard-fought struggles against unequal human rights in the forms of totalitarianism abroad and segregation at home, I cannot believe any official or citizen can still defend the notion that an unborn human being has no rights,’ Ryan wrote.” [Associated Press, 8/20/12]


Ryan Cosponsored At Least Six Personhood Bills:

2011: Ryan Co-Sponsored The Sanctity Of Human Life Act, A Personhood Bill That Defines Life As Beginning At Conception. [Pro-Life Wisconsin website, prolifewisconsin.org, accessed 6/21/12; HR 212, Co-sponsored 1/07/11]

2009: Ryan Co-Sponsored The Sanctity Of Human Life Act. The bill provided that human life “shall be deemed to begin with fertilization.” [HR 227, Co-sponsored 1/07/09]

2008: Ryan Co-Sponsored The Right To Life Act Of 2007. The bill implemented equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution for the right to life of each “preborn human person.” [HR 618, Co-sponsored 12/13/08]

2006: Ryan Co-Sponsored The Right To Life Act Of 2005. The bill implemented equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution for the right to life of each “preborn human person from the moment of fertilization.” [HR 552, Co-sponsored 2/08/06]

1999: Ryan Co-Sponsored The Right To Life Act Of 1999. The bill implemented equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution for the right to life of each “preborn human person from the moment of fertilization.” [HR 639, Co-sponsored 9/09/99]